Wednesday, October 30, 2019

De Havilland Vehicles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

De Havilland Vehicles - Essay Example The sales office has on-line access to the manufacturer's vehicle tracking system to establish the availability of cars by model, colour and extras. Cars can be ordered directly, but there is no internal system to store data on products or customers, only a card index system. DHV plc also uses paper-based systems to administrate its service and repair booking system, job cards, supplier data, orders, personnel and training. DHV plc has three distinct parts to its business. They act as a middleman for a car manufacturer selling their new vehicles. Last year (2004) 50% of their car sales were new split 40% to business and 10% to private users. The new car warranties and used vehicle guarantees tie customers in for subsequent servicing which builds long term relationships. The company seeks to retain these customers when the warranty or guarantee expires. The company also has a buoyant local repair trade. Whilst the directors of DHV plc have determined that e-Business and more integrated Information Systems is the appropriate way forward to achieve their new objectives it might help define the detail of the problem more accurately by researching not only what the competition are doing but also what e-Business innovations other distribution companies of high value items are usi... Cars can be ordered directly, but there is no internal system to store data on products or customers, only a card index system. DHV plc also uses paper-based systems to administrate its service and repair booking system, job cards, supplier data, orders, personnel and training. 2.2 Market Information DHV plc has three distinct parts to its business. They act as a middleman for a car manufacturer selling their new vehicles. Last year (2004) 50% of their car sales were new split 40% to business and 10% to private users. The other 50% of their car sales were used vehicles and they include guarantees with all second-hand cars sold. The new car warranties and used vehicle guarantees tie customers in for subsequent servicing which builds long term relationships. The company seeks to retain these customers when the warranty or guarantee expires. The company also has a buoyant local repair trade. 3. e-Business Problem Definition and Objectives Whilst the directors of DHV plc have determined that e-Business and more integrated Information Systems is the appropriate way forward to achieve their new objectives it might help define the detail of the problem more accurately by researching not only what the competition are doing but also what e-Business innovations other distribution companies of high value items are using. It might help reinforce the soundness of their strategy and point them in the right direction. 3.1 E-Business ideas for DHV plc According to Lou Gerstner, (CEO IBM 1993-2002): The internet is increasingly playing a more strategic role in business processes and failure to recognise this and take advantage of its potential could result in an organisation being left behind in todays over competitive environment.(Source, Internet & Business,

Monday, October 28, 2019

Old Testament Essay Example for Free

Old Testament Essay Found in the Old Testament of the Bible, Psalms have a certain mythic quality to them. Originally written as songs, Psalms are often used to present morality tales or to provide an acknowledgment of certain moral concepts. It is believed that Psalms were originally written by King David, although there is way to completely verify the actual authorship. Records indicate, however, that the Psalms are several thousands of years old. This brings forth the important question: how is it that Psalms remain relevant in today’s modern world? The answer is that the themes found in the Psalms are timeless because they are based on a â€Å"common sense† approach to moral living that does not fall out of style as the years pass. Specifically, the songs of the Psalms are designed to address God directly. However, this does not mean that those listening to or singing the Psalms are to ignore their content. Actually, it is the opposite that is true as Psalms are also designed for reflection. In other words, a sort of meditation is intended while singing or listening to songs. Again, while the Psalms are directed towards God, those involved in the worship are intended to realize a transformative experience. How is this achieved? There are a number of ways and in order to understand how it occurs one must look closely at certain passages within the Psalms. Consider Psalm 4. This Psalm speaks to God with the intention of asking God to be forgiving of glory that was not directed towards God. Additionally, the Psalm talks about God putting gladness in one’s heart with the end result being a spiritual re-awakening. Understanding and Analyzing the Psalms 2 Now, there are many potential interpretations to this Psalm. On the surface, it is clear that a warning about materialism is present. Forgiving one’s glory can refer to a person seeking penance for looking for the material things in life. When the person realizes that materialism is not what one should seek in life, the person immediately turns to God. As such, one can infer that this Psalm is a wake up call to those who assume they can find happiness through materialism. When they realize that true happiness comes from an embrace of the spiritual, they develop a complete reversal of their outlook on like. In a way, one could say this shares similarities to the concept of nirvana in Zen Buddhism. Once again, there is certain timelessness to the subtext found within this psalm. After all, materialism and all its troubles have been with us since the dawn of time. To free oneself of materialism is to be free of attachments which put the person in charge of his life as opposed to mitigating factors. As such, the timelessness of this Psalm is understandable. Psalm 17 is quite an interesting Psalm since it is a call for help. Specifically, this Psalm asks God’s help in providing protection from the wicked who may seek to oppress the singer as well as protecting the singer from the problematic wickedness that might exist within the person’s own heart. Ultimately, this Psalm reveals that it is not out of the ordinary for people to feel self-doubt and external pressures. That is, they may not always do the right thing and they may find themselves in danger of falling under the influence of those who may do them harm. God understands this and understands people may need help when dealing Understanding and Analyzing the Psalms 3 with difficult situations. Again, this is a timeless concept that has existed all throughout the ages. The third and last illustrative example from the Psalms is Psalm 23 which is possible the most famous Psalm of all. In this Psalm is the famous passage â€Å"though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me. † Within this Psalm is the crux of the worship of God. That is, no matter how bad things may be, God will always be there for you. While his help may not always be overt or obvious, he will never abandon his children. Ultimately, this is a timeless message of positive beliefs that has allowed the Judeo-Christian religion to maintain followers for thousands of years. What these three Psalms display is the notion that sometimes the worshippers need to profess their beliefs out loud in the form of song as a means of absorbing what is taught. Yes, on the surface, the Psalms appear to speak to God directly but it is a common Judeo-Christian belief that God lives in all of us. As a result, it becomes important to verbally affirm one’s belief so in order to remember why people believe. Whether it is disavowing material gain, dealing with internal or external demons, or remembering that God never abandons us, the Psalms provide a clear message of hope that we sometimes forget. Therein is a very important component of the Psalms: the Psalms prevent us from forgetting the reason for the faith. Of course, the Psalms are open to wide interpretation. However, the timelessness of the Psalms is without question and their purpose for existence is clearly understood.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Amazing Grace Essay -- Film, Movie, William Wilberforce

Amazing Grace is not a good movie, it is a great movie. Films on History can be lengthy and tedious, but that sure is not the case in this fascinating movie about the famous abolitionist William Wilberforce, who was responsible for steering anti-slave trade legislation through the British parliament. Contrary to what its title suggests, â€Å"Amazing Grace† isn’t really about the inauguration of the Christian hymn. Set in the 18th century England, it focuses on William’s political career to abolish the slave trade by arguing against it on the floor of the House of Commons, which placed him at odds with some of the most powerful men of the time. William is a motivated man with one purpose; endeavoring to terminate slavery in the empire. Filmed in 2006, this is a perfect example of life, complexity and the pursuit of liberty in the years of the African slave trade. The movie begins in 1797. A stagecoach carries two men through the countryside in the heavy rain; ahead, two men are whipping a horse lying on the wet ground. The stagecoach stops, and the two men come out; the younger points out tiredly that if they will stop beating the horse, it may be able to recover and get up. One of the men begins to respond aggressively at the interference, but the other stops him, saying that the gentleman who spoke is William Wilberforce of which he's seen speak in London. This scene really sets the stage for demonstrating who Wilberforce is, and the role of his importance. At a luncheon, Wilberforce is introduced to the beautiful, like-minded woman who is to become his future wife, Barbara Spooner. With many signs of infatuation towards Wilberforce, Barbara gives Wilberforce a reason to exist, as he tells her his story, which allows the fil... ... do in fact match historic facts. If I were the director I would have reduced the amount of talking that took place in the movie. Although the movie was very complicated and did indeed require an abundant amount of information for the audience to appreciate the movie, I found myself very uninterested at some parts which led me to slowly stop paying attention. If I were the director I would give my self a pat on the back because of what great work I had done. I would feel so good because I was able to educate so many people of what happened such a long time ago, and the importance of how free we are as citizens today. This movie truly was incredible and clearly demonstrates how one man risks everything, to speak for those, who could not. To make the blind see and to lead a movement that would change the world—â€Å"Remember that God made men†¦equal† (William Wilberforce).

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Solar Energy Outline

Solar Energy Outline: Abstract Recently, the solar energy technology market has experienced phenomenal growth. Due to growing public awareness of environmental issues, clean energy research funding has increased. This funding increase has created dramatic technological improvements. Compared with traditional energy, solar energy is showing many remarkable advantages. Despite its technical and economic limitations in the present, it is expected that solar energy will play an important role in the transportation sector in the future. Key words: Solar energy; Solar panels; Solar technology; Solar power; Solar energy policy.Background Knowledge of Solar Energy 1. Status of Solar Energy Technology 1. 1 Potential of Solar Energy 1. 2 Photovoltaics 1. 3 Solar Thermal heating and cooling 2. Development of Solar Energy Technologies 2. 1 History of Solar Energy Technologies 2. 2 Barriers in Solar Energy Utilization 3. Life Cycle Analysis of Solar and Non-Solar Energy 3. 1 Comparison for Centra lized Power Generation Technologies 3. 2 Comparison for Distributed Power Generation Technologies 3. 3 Comparison of the LCOEs for Distributed and Central Station Renewable Energy Technologies 4. Policy supporting Solar Energy Development (Solar Thermal Heating and Electric) 4. European countries’ Policy (Germany) 4. 2 United States 4. 3 Asian Developing Countries (China and India) 5. Carbon Finance Mechanisms and Solar Energy Development 5. 1 Clean Development Mechanisms 5. 2 Barriers in the CDM 5. 3 Improvement of the CDM 6. Solar Energy Supply in Future 6. 1 Photovoltaics 6. 2 Solar Thermal Heating and Cooling 6. 3 Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) 7. Conclusion 7. 1 Advantage from Solar Energy 7. 2 Confines and Prospects References John Byrne, World Solar Energy Review: Technology, markets and Polices, Environment and Energy Unit, Development Research Group, The World BankAldo Steinfeld, Solar thermochemical production of hydrogen––a review, 0038-092X/ $ doi:1 0. 1016/j. solener. 2003. 12. 012, Solar Energy. Nathan S. Lewis, Powering the planet: Chemical challenges in solar energy utilization, PNAS October 24, 2006 vol. 103 no. 43 15729–15735 R. D. Schaller, High Efficiency Carrier Multiplication in PbSe Nanocrystals: Implications for Solar Energy Conversion, Physical Review Letters Volume 92 Number 18, May 2004 Solar Energy Industries Association. (2004). Our solar power future: The US photovoltaics industry roadmap through 2030 and beyond. Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Meaning of Life and Success Essay

Success is a person or thing that desired aims and achieves or attains fame or any form of accomplishment which will always make them proud or happy at the end of either the day, month or year. The word success was originated in the mid-16th century from a Latin word successus and a verb succedere meaning come close after. When I hear of the word success there are two things that come in mind, hard work and determination. Hard work is one of the main and most important building blocks in my success foundation. Working hard is one of the best and most accurate ways to think about being successful. Success cannot be earned unless you strive and work hard for it, because it is a word that comes with work and if work is not done then the meaning of the word can’t be accomplished. Like Einstein said â€Å"If A is a success in life then A equals x plus y plus z. work is x; y is play and z is keeping your mouth shut† for instance to me as an athlete working hard and in playing hard rather than running my mouth are the best way of being successful in game point stands in my career. Determination is a very critical and important aspect when it comes to success. To be determined to achieve any goals or aims is a very important choice of being successful. Bertrand 2 Determination can to be physically, spiritually and emotionally which all combines with hard work and if you combine both hard work and determination together you will always get a good result of success. Being successful in life can be one of the precious and happiest moments in life that can last for a long time if and only if you do what is expected of you to keep the success going on. Success can be advantageous in many ways; Accomplishing a goal, moving on to a new goal, brings happiness and fulfillment, set new and personal records, inspire, motivate and give you strengths to aim high and set bigger goals. But it’s not always everybody that’s successful that is happy or satisfied with their success. The isn’t that much difference being successful than being a failure, like the good old quote that say â€Å"the difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength not a lack of knowledge, but rather the a lack in will† this quote is very simple and well understood and the quote’s point is clearly pointed out, which state the main difference between a successful person and others which is the will to be the successful person that they are. To be successful person there should be some sought of guidelines to help you achieve or attain success. Thinking about success also brings about the thought or idea of failure â€Å"In order to success your desire for success should be greater rather than your fear of failure†. An important and inspiring quote as this from one of the favorite, idol and inspiring actor in the movie industry and in the society should and is been considered by a lot of fans to be very important in achieving success rather than having the fear of failure because his path of success has given or got him to where he is at the moment.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Patrick Henry essays

Patrick Henry essays Patrick Henry was a lawyer patriot, orator and was a symbol for the the American fight for liberty and self government. Patrick Henry was born in 1736 in Hanover County, Virginia 1736 and died in 1799. He was educated in a country school and in a school kept by his father. Henry tried merchandising and farming, but lost money at both. He then turned his mind to the study of law, and was admitted to practice in 1760. Three years later he won reputation by the management of a famous law case, known as the Parson's Cause. At that day the clergymen of Virginia, like those of England, were entitled to salaries from public funds. Their salaries were given in part in the currency of the day, namely tobacco. In 1764 he moved to Louisa county, Virginia, where, as a lawyer, he argued in defense of broad voting rights before the House of Burgesses. The following year he was elected to the House and soon became its leading radical member. He instilled the point that a king who vetoed a good and helpful law made by a locally elected representative body was not a leader to his people. Patrick Henry had been called a traitor who committed treason in his struggle against the Stamp Act. In 1774 he represented Virginia in the First Continental Congress where he continued in the role of firecracker. At the start of the revolution, he returned to his native state and lead militia in defense of V irginia's gunpowder store, when the royal Governor spirited it aboard a British ship. Henry forced the Governor Lord Dunmore to pay for the power at fair price. In March 1775 Patrick Henry told colonists to arm themselves in the war against England, speaking the immortal words: I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death Henry's call to arms was returned with a warrant on his head placed by the King of England. Henry responded with the remark a Quaker in religion but ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Stanford Academic Calendar Essay Example

Stanford Academic Calendar Essay Example Stanford Academic Calendar Paper Stanford Academic Calendar Paper Essay Topic: Academic AUTUMN QUARTER 2017-18 August 1 (Tue) Axess opens for course enrollment. Stanford Bulletin publishes academic year 2017-18 degree requirements August 28 (Mon) M.D. first-year students, first day of instruction. August 31 (Thu) M.D. second-year students, first day of instruction. September 5 (Tue) Law School instruction begins for 1st-year J.D. students. See the full Law School academic calendar (pdf). September 15 (Fri) Autumn Quarter Cardinal Care Waiver Deadline; see the Cardinal Care web site. September 15 (Fri) M.B.A. 1st-year instructions begins. September 15 (Fri, 5:00 p.m.) At-status enrollment deadline in order to receive stipend or financial aid refund within the first week of term. September 19 (Tue) New undergraduates arrive. Convocation. Undergraduate housing opens for new students; see Residential Dining Enterprises Calendar. September 21 (Thu) Undergraduate housing opens for returning students; see Residential Dining Enterprises Calendar. September 25 (Mon) First day of quarter; instruction begins. September 25 (Mon, 5:00 p.m.) Preliminary Study List deadline. Students must be at status; i.e., students must have a study list with sufficient units to meet requirements for their status, whether full-time, 8-9-10 units (graduate students only), or approved Undergraduate Special Registration Status or Graduate Special Registration Status. The late study list fee is $200. September 25 (Mon, 5:00 p.m.) Deadline to submit Leave of Absence for full refund (see undergraduate leaves of absence and graduate leaves of absence). See Tuition and Refund Schedule for a full refund schedule. September 25 (Mon) Law School instruction begins for 2nd/3rd-year J.D. and advanced degree students. See the full Law School academic calendar (pdf). September 28 (Thu) Conferral of degrees, Summer Quarter 2016-17. September 29 (Fri) GSB course add/drop deadline. October 13 (Fri, 5:00 p.m.) Final Study List deadline, except GSB. Last day to add or drop a class; last day to adjust units on a variable-unit course. Last day for tuition reassessment for dropped courses or units. Students may withdraw from a course until the Course Withdrawal deadline and a W notation will appear on the transcript. November 6 (Mon, 5:00 p.m.) Term withdrawal deadline; last day to submit Leave of Absence to withdraw from the University with a partial refund. November 17 (Fri, 5:00 p.m.) Change of grading basis deadline, except GSB. November 17 (Fri, 5:00 p.m.) Course withdrawal deadline, except GSB, Law, and M.D. November 17 (Fri, 5:00 p.m.) Application deadline for Autumn Quarter degree conferral. November 20-24 (Mon-Fri) Thanksgiving Recess (no classes). December 1 (Fri) Last day of Law classes. See the full Law School academic calendar (pdf). December 2-7 (Sat-Thu) Law School Reading Period. See the full Law School academic calendar (pdf). December 4-10 (Mon-Sun) End-Quarter Period. December 8 (Fri) Last day of classes (unless class meets on Sat.), except Law. December 8 (Fri) Last opportunity to arrange Incomplete in a course, at last class. December 8 (Fri, noon) University thesis, D.M.A. final project, or Ph.D. dissertation, last day to submit. December 8 (Fri, 5:00 p.m.) Late application deadline for Autumn Quarter degree conferral ($50 fee). December 8-15 (Fri-Fri) Law School examinations. See the full Law School academic calendar (pdf). December 11-15 (Mon-Fri) End-Quarter examinations. December 15 (Fri) Winter Quarter Cardinal Care Waiver Deadline; see the Cardinal Care web site. December 16 (Sat, noon) Undergraduate housing closes for Winter Break; see Residential Dining Enterprises Calendar. December 19 (Tue, 11:59 p.m.) Grades due. January 11 (Thu) Conferral of degrees, Autumn Quarter. WINTER QUARTER 2017-18 October 29 (Sun) Axess opens for course enrollment. December 29 (Fri) At-status enrollment deadline in order to receive stipend or financial aid refund within the first week of term. January 6 (Sat, 8:00 a.m.) Undergraduate housing opens for Winter Quarter; see Residential Dining Enterprises Calendar. January 8 (Mon) First day of quarter; instruction begins for all students. January 8 (Mon, 5:00 p.m.) Preliminary Study List deadline.Students must be at status; i.e., students must have a study list with sufficient units to meet requirements for their status, whether full-time, 8-9-10 units (graduate students only), or approved Undergraduate Special Registration Status or Graduate Special Registration Status. The late study list fee is $200. January 8 (Mon, 5:00 p.m.) Deadline to submit Leave of Absence for full refund (see undergraduate leaves of absence and graduate leaves of absence). See Tuition and Refund Schedule for a full refund schedule. January 12 (Fri) GSB course add/drop deadline. January 15 (Mon) Martin Luther King, Jr., Day (holiday, no classes). January 26 (Fri, 5:00 p.m.)Â  Final Study List deadline, except GSB. Final day to add or drop a class; last day to adjust units on a variable-unit course. Last day for tuition reassessment for dropped courses or units. Students may withdraw from a course until the Course Withdrawal deadline and a W notation will appear on the transcript. February 19 (Mon) Presidents Day (holiday, no classes; Law does hold classes). February 21 (Wed, 5:00 p.m.) Term withdrawal deadline; last day to submit Leave of Absence to withdraw from the University with a partial refund. March 2 (Fri, 5:00 p.m.) Change of grading basis deadline, except GSB. March 2 (Fri, 5:00 p.m.) Course withdrawal deadline, except GSB, Law, and M.D. March 2 (Fri, 5:00 p.m.) Application deadline for Winter Quarter degree conferral. March 12 (Mon) Last day of Law classes. See the full Law School academic calendar (pdf). March 12-18 (Mon-Sun) End-Quarter Period. March 13-15 (Tue-Thu) Law School Reading Period. See the full Law School academic calendar (pdf). March 16 (Fri) Last day of classes (unless class meets on Sat.) March 16 (Fri) Last opportunity to arrange Incomplete in a course, at last class. March 16 (Fri, noon) University thesis, D.M.A. final project, Ph.D. dissertation, last day to submit. March 16 (Fri, 5:00 p.m.) Late application deadline for Winter Quarter degree conferral ($50 fee). March 16-23 (Fri-Fri) Law School examinations. See the full Law School academic calendar (pdf). March 19-23 (Mon-Fri) End-Quarter examinations. March 24 (Sat) Undergraduate housing move-out (if departing at end of Winter Quarter); see Residential Dining Enterprises Calendar. March 27 (Tue, 11:59 p.m.) Grades due. April 5 (Thu) Conferral of degrees, Winter Quarter. SPRING QUARTER 2017-18 February 11 (Sun) Axess opens for course enrollment. March 23 (Fri) At-status enrollment deadline in order to receive stipend or financial aid refund within the first week of term. March 31 (Sat) Undergraduate housing move-in date for Spring Quarter; see Residential Dining Enterprises Calendar. April 2 (Mon) First day of quarter; instruction begins for all students. April 2 (Mon, 5:00 p.m.) Preliminary Study List deadline.Students must be at status; i.e., students must have a study list with sufficient units to meet requirements for their status, whether full-time, 8-9-10 units (graduate students only), or approved Undergraduate Special Registration Status or Graduate Special Registration Status. The late study list fee is $200. April 2 (Mon, 5:00 p.m.) Deadline to submit Leave of Absence for full refund (see undergraduate leaves of absence and graduate leaves of absence). See See Tuition and Refund Schedule for a full refund schedule. April 5 (Thurs) GSB classes begin. April 10 (Tues) GSB course add/drop deadline. April 13 (Fri, 5:00 p.m.) Application deadline for Spring Quarter degree conferral. April 15 (Sun) Spring Quarter Cardinal Care Waiver Deadline; see the Cardinal Care web site. April 20 (Fri, 5:00 p.m.) Final Study List deadline, except GSB. Last day to add or drop a class; last day to adjust units on a variable-unit course. Last day for tuition reassessment for dropped courses or units. Students may withdraw from a course until the Course Withdrawal deadline and a W notation will appear on the transcript. May 14 (Mon, 5:00 p.m.) Term withdrawal deadline; last day to submit Leave of Absence to withdraw from the University with a partial refund. May 25 (Fri, 5:00 p.m.) Change of grading basis deadline, except GSB. May 25 (Fri, 5:00 p.m.) Course withdrawal deadline, except GSB, Law, and M.D. May 28 (Mon) Memorial Day (holiday, no classes). June 1-7 (Fri-Thu) End-Quarter Period. June 1 (Fri) Last day of Law classes. See the full Law School academic calendar (pdf). June 2-3 (Sat-Sun). Law School reading Period. See the full Law School academic calendar (pdf). June 4-8 (Mon-Fri) Law School examinations. See the full Law School academic calendar (pdf). June 6 (Wed) Last day of classes. June 6 (Wed) Last opportunity to arrange Incomplete in a course, at last class. June 6 (Wed, noon) University thesis, D.M.A. final project, or Ph.D. dissertation, last day to submit. June 6 (Wed, 5:00 p.m.) Late application deadline for Spring Quarter degree conferral ($50 fee). June 7 (Thu) Day before finals, no classes. June 8-13 (Fri-Wed) End-Quarter examinations. June 13 (Wed, noon) Grades for GSB graduating students due. June 14 (Thu, noon) Grades for graduating students due. June 15 (Fri) Undergraduate housing move-out date (for all students not involved in Commencement); see Residential Dining Enterprises Calendar. June 16 (Sat) Senior Class Day. June 16 (Sat) Baccalaureate Saturday. June 16 (Sat) Law School Diploma Ceremony. See the full Law School academic calendar (pdf). June 16 (Sat) GSB Diploma Ceremony. June 16 (Sat) Medical School Commencement Ceremony. June 17 (Sun) Commencement. Conferral of degrees, Spring Quarter. June 18 (Mon) Undergraduate Housing move-out date (for graduates and others involved in Commencement with permission); see Residential Dining Enterprises Calendar. June 19 (Tue, 11:59 p.m.) Grades for non-graduating students due. SUMMER QUARTER 2017-18 April 8 (Sun) Axess opens for course enrollment. June 15 (Fri) Summer Quarter Cardinal Care Waiver Deadline; see the Cardinal Care web site June 15 (Fri) At-status enrollment deadline in order to receive stipend or financial aid refund within the first week of term. June 25 (Mon) First day of quarter; instruction begins. June 25 (Mon, 5:00 p.m.) Preliminary Study List deadline. June 25 (Mon) Deadline to submit Leave of Absence for full refund (see undergraduate leaves of absence and graduate leaves of absence). See Tuition and Refund Schedule for a full refund schedule. July 4 (Wed) Independence Day (holiday, no classes). July 6 (Fri, 5:00 p.m.) Final Study List deadline.Final day to add or drop a class; last day to adjust units on a variable-unit course. Last day for tuition reassessment for dropped courses or units. Students may withdraw from a course until the Course Withdrawal deadline and a W notation will appear on the transcript. July 27 (Fri, 5:00 p.m.) Term withdrawal deadline; last day to submit Leave of Absence to withdraw from the University with a partial refund. August 3 (Fri, 5:00 p.m.) Change of grading basis deadline. August 3 (Fri, 5:00 p.m.) Course withdrawal deadline. August 3 (Fri, 5:00 p.m.) Application deadline for Summer Quarter degree conferral. August 11-16 (Sat-Thu) End-Quarter Period. August 16 (Thu) Last day of classes. August 16 (Thu) Last opportunity to arrange Incomplete in a course, at last class. August 17-18 (Fri-Sat) End-Quarter examinations. August 21 (Tue, 11:59 p.m.) Grades due. August 31 (Fri, noon) University thesis, D.M.A. final project, or Ph.D. dissertation, last day to submit. August 31Â   (Fri, 5:00 p.m.) Late application deadline for Summer Quarter degree conferral ($50 fee). September 27 (Thu)Â  Conferral of degrees, Summer Quarter.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

12 Amazing Full-Ride Scholarships You Can Win

12 Amazing Full-Ride Scholarships You Can Win SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips The full-ride Scholarship: the most mythical of scholarships that all students secretly (or not-so-secretly) dream of.Unfortunately, these scholarships are hard to come by, and they're even more difficult to win. Though many schools offer full-ride or full-tuition scholarships, there are also a handful of scholarships out there- run by independent organizations and even the government- that you can use at almost any school.Read on to learn about some of the most highly sought-after scholarships in the country. What Is a Full-Ride Scholarship? A full-ride scholarship is the unicorn of scholarships. It’s estimated that fewer than 20,000 students per year will manage to get one of these scholarships- that’s less than 1 percent of the students attending college! By far, the vast majority of these scholarships come from universities and colleges that are trying to attract top students to their campuses. Full-ride scholarships from private organizations that you can use at any school are even more rare. These scholarships cover not just tuition but also additional expenses, such as room and board, travel costs, and textbooks. Who Should Apply For These Scholarships? High school students who think they are the cream of the crop should apply for the scholarships listed below. You’ll see that some of them have specific requirements, such as race or location, whereas others are open to anyone. You should be at the top of your class (most of these scholarships are looking for students in the top 10 percent) and have high test scores.You should also have specific, strong examples of your leaderships skills, community involvement, and excellent character. Unsurprisingly, most of these scholarship applications will require you to do some writing, so make sure you're a strong writer, too. Finally, expect to need top-notch letters of recommendation from multiple sources. Top Advice for Winning a Full-RideScholarship Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Even if you have the attributes mentioned above, there are going to be a lot of other students out there who have done just as well as you have. There are a lot more great students than there are full-ride scholarships, so you're not going to get one unless you're really lucky. You'll have a much better chance of winning scholarship money if you don’t try to get it all in one go. Think about your strengths, what you want to pursue in college, and your favorite activities, and go out and find several smaller scholarships to apply to. Though the payoff won’t be one lump sum, you’ll have much less competition and a far higher chance of success. 12 Fantastic Full-Ride Scholarships This list includes a dozen full-ride scholarships- offered by both private companies and the government- that you can use for many different schools. Since full-ride scholarships are so rare, I have also included scholarships that are not full rides but have a high-enough award amount that they could easily cover tuition and fees at many universities. Chick Evans Caddie Scholarship This may be one of the weirdest scholarships you’ll come across! This scholarship covers full tuition and housing costs for four years for students who have successfully and regularly been golf caddies for at least the past two years. High school juniors and seniors can be nominated for this award if they have at least a B average. Students will also be required to take the ACT or SAT, demonstrate financial need, and showcase their outstanding character, leadership, and integrity. Evans Scholars usually choose to attend one of the 15 schools that has a scholarship house, where all of the scholars reside together over their four years in college. These colleges are as follows: University of Colorado University of Illinois Indiana University Marquette University Miami University University of Michigan Michigan State University University of Minnesota University of Missouri Northern Illinois University Northwestern University Ohio State University University of Oregon Purdue University University of Wisconsin The application for the scholarship must include the following: Academic evaluation from your school Caddie evaluation from your golf club’s manager Information about your extracurricular activities, family and financial information Photograph of yourself Two-page essay detailing your background, future goals, and why you would be a good pick for the scholarship Once a student receives the award, they must keep a strong academic record, be actively involved in both campus activities and the scholarship house, and show respect for their fellow scholars. Applications are due byOctober 30, though priority is given to applications submitted by September 30. JPMorgan - Thomas G. Labrecque Smart Start Program The Smart Start Scholarship provides full tuition, a paid internship at JPMorgan Chase, and a stipend of $750 for books and other expenses for 10 undergraduate students every year. The awards are renewable for all four years of college. This annual scholarship is awarded to high school seniors across New York City who are planning to attend any of the following institutions: Barnard College Baruch College Brooklyn College City College Columbia University Fordham University (Lincoln Center campus, Rosehill campus) Long Island University (Brooklyn campus) New York University Pace University (Manhattan campus) Polytechnic Institute of New York University St. Francis College St. John’s University In addition, you must be planning to major in one of the following fields: Business Communications Computer science Engineering Liberal arts Social science For the scholarship, you'll need to submit information about your financial circumstances and provide a resume detailing your community service involvement, extracurricular activities, honors, and internship history. You'll also have to write several essays- including one about your greatest personal achievement, one about a team project you've done, and one about why you've chosen your major- andsubmit two recommendations. Winners will be at the top of their high school classes and will demonstrate strong leadership, maturity, and initiative. The application deadline is different every year but typically occurs in January or early February. Jack Kent Cooke Foundation College Scholarship This scholarship awards up to $40,000 per year over four years to cover the cost of tuition, living expenses, books, and fees. This program is aimed at high-achieving high school seniors who have financial need and want to attend top universities. Students who win the award may pursue any major or field of study. Each year, 30-40 students are selected as winners. The application includes a review of the following: High school grades Standardized test scores (ACT/SAT) Participation in advanced courses Several short and long essays Letters of recommendation Demonstrated financial need Successful applicants will have a GPA of 3.5 or above, with no Cs or below in core classes, and will have scored in the top 15 percent nationally on the SAT or ACT. The application deadline varies, but it's usually in November. Microsoft Tuition Scholarship This program offers annual college-tuition scholarships for currently enrolled undergraduate students studying computer science, computer engineering, and related STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) disciplines and who have at least a 3.0/4.0 GPA. Current high school students who have not yet started college are ineligible. Diverse applicants are encouraged to apply. The scholarship coversall or part of the selected students’ tuition for one year. Winners will be selected based on the quality of their application, demonstrated interested in the software business, leadership ability, and financial need. The application is normally open from October to January. USDA/1890 National Scholars Program This scholarship provides full tuition, fees, books, a laptop, a printer, software, and room and board for four years. Winners will also receive employment with the USDA during the summer and after graduation along with employee benefits. Applicants must be US citizens and high school graduates about to start their first year of college. All applicants should: Have a 3.0 GPA or higher Earn at least 1000 on the SAT or 21 on the ACT Plan to attend one of the 18 1890 Historically Black Land-Grant Universities Intend to study food, agriculture, or natural resource sciences Have a track record of leadership and community service The application deadline is in January of each year. Want to build the best possible college application? We can help. PrepScholar Admissions is the world's best admissions consulting service. We combine world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. We've overseen thousands of students get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. We know what kinds of students colleges want to admit. We want to get you admitted to your dream schools. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in. Regeneron Science Talent Search This national contest allows the country’s most promising young scientists and mathematicians to conduct long-term original research projects and compete to win money. Projects may encompass a variety of fields, including the following: Biochemistry Bioengineering Chemistry Computer science Engineering Environmental science Genomics Mathematics Planetary science Forty high school seniors who are shortlisted as finalists will present their work in Washington DC during a week-long event in the spring. All finalists receive prizes, with a first-place prize of $250,000, a second-place prize of $175,000, and a third-place prize of $150,000. Even finalists in th place and onward receive $25,000 each, while regional semifinalists receive $2,000 each! Applications are due in November. Dr. Pepper Tuition Giveaway Dr. Pepper is giving away $100,000 of tuition money (as well as many smaller prizes ranging from $1,000 to $20,000). This money may be used to cover educational expenses or to pay off student loans.You must be between the ages of 18 and 24. To apply, go to the official website and write a short essay describinghow you plan to change the world. If your essay gets more than 50 likes, you'll be invited to create a short video to further elaborate on your goal and inspire more students. At the end of the football season, students’ videos will be judged, and four students will win the grand prize of $100,000. Note: To enter this competition, you must have a Facebook account with a non-suspended profile. Flinn Foundation Scholarships Every year, Flinn Scholarships go to 20 of Arizona’s highest-achieving high school seniors planning to study at an Arizona public university (including Arizona State University, Northern Arizona University, and the University of Arizona). This scholarship covers thefull cost of tuition for four years, fees, room and board, a summer seminar in China, a study-abroad experience, an internship program, mentorship, and social activities (for scholarship winners only). In addition, Flinn Scholars get to work with top researchers and faculty members, meet with business and community leaders, and connect with alumni. To apply, students must provide the following: Information about their families, studies, employment, and extracurricular activities Answers to two short essay questions Three longer essays Two teacher recommendations Grades SAT or ACT scores The application typically opens in late August and closes in mid-October. Army ROTC Scholarships The Army ROTC offers many scholarships to high school seniors and college students, including some that cover the full cost of tuition, room and board, and books and fees.They also include monthly stipends of up to $5,000 a year. These scholarships are available for all four years of college. To be eligible, you must be a US citizen between the ages of 17 and 26 and agree to an eight-year service commitment with the Army (this may be active duty, or the Reserve or National Guard) You must also meet the following requirements: Have at least a 2.5 high school GPA Have a high school diploma (or equivalent) Earn a minimum 1000 on the SAT or 19 on the ACT Meet all physical standards The deadline is typically in early March, and the application will open up about a month before that. Air Force ROTC Scholarships Like the Army, the Air Force ROTC offers several scholarships to high school seniors and college students, including some that cover the full cost of tuition for four years as well as lab and textbook fees. Winners also get stipends of up to $500 a month. To be eligible, you must agree to a four-year service commitment with the Air Force. In addition, you must meet the following requirements: Plan to study an approved major Have at least a 3.0 high school GPA Have a high school diploma (or equivalent) Earn a minimum 1240 on the SAT or 26 on the ACT Meet all physical standards The application deadline for the four-year scholarship is typically in December or January. Navy ROTC Scholarships The Navy ROTC offers many scholarships to students who are graduating high school and those already in college. They have a variety of scholarships available, including some that cover the full cost of tuition and fees, $750 per year for books, uniforms, and three summer cruises, and between $250 and $400 per month for living expenses. These scholarships are available for all four years of college. To be eligible, you must be a US citizen between 17 and 23 andagree to a five-year service commitment with the Navy. You must also meet the following requirements: Study an approved major Have a minimum 1200 SAT score (at least 540 on SAT Math and 550 on Evidence-Based Reading and Writing)or aminimum 47 combined ACT Math and English score (at least21 on ACT Math and 22 on English) Meet all physical standards The deadline for the four-year national scholarship is typically in January. SMART - Science, Mathematics Research for Transformation This scholarship encourages STEM students to work in national defense.Students who win this scholarship will receive coverage forfull tuition and education-related fees, summer research internships, health insurance, and mentoring. In addition, winners will getstipends of $25,000-38,000per year and employment placement after graduation. In order to be eligible, you must: Be a US, Australian, New Zealand, or UK citizen Be an enrolled undergraduate or (admitted or enrolled) graduate student (high school students are ineligible for this scholarship) Have at least a 3.0 GPA Be majoring in a STEM (science, technology, engineering, or math) field Pass security clearance The application period is fromAugust toDecember. What's Next? If you want to apply to some great scholarships not listed above, check out our guides to the National Merit Scholarship, McDonald's Scholarship, and Tylenol Scholarship. Did you know that sometimes getting a scholarship is as easy as applying to your school of choice? Check out this list of schools that automatically offer scholarships based on grades and test scores. Want to know about some of the odder scholarships that are out there? Here are some weird scholarships you can win! Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Saturday, October 19, 2019

HRM Outsourcing Paper Term Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

HRM Outsourcing - Term Paper Example The question on what should be outsourced has always been a widely debated issue. This paper will explore the issues around human resource outsourcing, particularly those concerned with firm’s performance, strategic direction, ethics and corporate social responsibility. It will also evaluate these issues with regard to how they can be addressed and balanced to achieve the best performance, productivity, and efficiency. An Evaluation of HR Outsourcing One of the ultimate gains of outsourcing is the division of work and skill/expertise specialization, which results in a better outcome and performance. Business process outsourcing (BPO) including HR outsourcing is not only aimed at financial value; relevance of a strong relationship management is that it leads to value addition such as innovation and customer satisfaction (Enlow & Ertel, 2006). The importance of a healthy relationship management cannot be overlooked. According to McKinsey & Company, as quoted by Enlow and Ertel ( 2006), 50% of outsourced services fail to create the expected value. Firms find value when specialists, who can be more effective in providing services that were previously handled internally, are engaged because both the firm and the supplier can focus on what they do best to improve performance. HR outsourcing is beneficial to any firm and whatever the size of the organization, outsourcing must follow phases for it to succeed. According to Anonymous (2007, July), the use of outsourcing as a strategy proved beneficial in a large funeral and cemetery company, Service Corp. International. The company boasted of the workforce of 2,400 employees in 2,500 locations. The funeral company decided to outsource human resources services; through an advisory firm, various sources of outsourcing were used while focusing on the various phases of the outsourcing process. Because of the many administrative tasks of the company, HR outsourcing led to a reduction in costs. Outsourcing and shared ser vices provide avenues for reducing cost while enhancing efficiency in organizations. Cost cutting associated with outsourcing occurs when staff is assigned with other tasks through involvement of experts or by saving money (Anonymous, 2007, April). While outsourced members focus on their areas of expertise, organization’s staff members focus on core responsibilities. Information Technology investments may not yield results for a long time. Thus, outsourced IT services help to avoid colossal capital investment costs. Equally, the use of shared services appears to be advantageous to organizations by reducing the need for maintaining a massive workforce leading to a reduction in costs through sharing of talents and resources and enhancing productivity (Anonymous, 2007, April). Ethical issues that have been associated with HR outsourcing have included loss of employment in the host country where firms are outsourcing human resource. The practice of getting expertise and staff fro m other places in order to save costs has been perceived negatively from a social point of view by the local communities from which the outsourcing firm hails, particularly when outsourcing involves expertise or skills that are also available locally. Cultural differences are another concern of outsourcing, which has been mentioned especially among multicultural environments where different skill sets are in existence (Adobor, 2012, p.245). For example, there exist immense

Friday, October 18, 2019

Graphic Novel Comparason Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Graphic Novel Comparason - Essay Example These novels thus give an excellent chance to the writer to be creative in both ways; in terms of writing as well as drawing. For the purpose of this essay, three very renowned graphic novels have been chosen to work with, namely, ‘City of Glass: The Graphic Novel’ by Paul Auster, ‘The Salon’ by Nick Bertozzi and ‘Boulevard of Broken Dreams’ by Kim Deitch. All three novels chosen here depict very unusual characters; the one thing common with all three is that they are based on certain protagonists however all three are different in the same aspect as City of Glass follows a detective and The Salon is based on fictitious painters whereas The Boulevard of Broken Dreams is a graphic novel about the life and times of an imaginary cat and a young boy. One commonality between the works of Bertozzi and Deitch is that they have both produced fictional characters with their imagination and given them a very different spin; for example the use of Waldo for the cat for the purpose of an animation studio just like Disney and the use of painters having the same names as Picasso, Biraque and Stein. Thus the two novelists have made use of prominent personalities in society by turning them into works of fiction and art. Bertozzi’s novels is basically about a number of painters from the city of Paris, practising a very avant garde style of art and are confidently trying to weave their way through life with the help of wit and charm. The painters are based on the lives of Picasso, Braque, Gertrude and Stein and all the four have been given very distinct personalities. The best part about their reflection has been the way they have been portrayed through images and not only through the narrative, which gives the reader a very graphic image indeed of the kind of lives they lived. This novel follows a very amusing and light story line for any kind of a reader; however has a lot of deep thought attached

Constitutional Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Constitutional Law - Essay Example The history of constitutional law in the UK goes far back to 1689, the year in which the English Bill of Rights was passed. This bill curtailed the royal family’s legality to superimpose its will on the parliament – its unlawful suspension and imposing taxes through it. The then King William III and Queen Mary took an oath that they would obey the laws enacted by the parliament. The other important laws passed were the 1689 Toleration Act – promoting religious toleration and the 1694 Triennial Act – obstructing the king from dissolving the parliament and upholding of general elections after three years. These laws provide a background on the present sovereign status of British Parliament and its upper hand over English courts. (Magna Carta, 1215 - 1689 English Bill of Rights) ( Albert Dicey, in his book Introduction to the Study of the Law of the Constitution (1885) has exposed the supremacy of Parliament thus: "Parliament... has... the right to make or unmake any law whatever; and further, that no person or body is recognised by the law of England as having a right to override or set aside the legislation of Parliament." The implications of this school of thought envisaged the supremacy of parliament to make laws. It provided for the future parliamentarians to override an earlier law and it was a prerogative of the Parliament only to make, amend and formulate new laws. Although the Act of the Union of 1707 created ambiguity regarding its application in Scotland and some members of Scottish jury disagreed with it in principle. It becomes clear in Lord Copper’s judgement in the case MacCormick v. Lord Advocate in 1953. "It is often said that it would be unconstitutional for the United Kingdom Parliament to do certain things, †¦If Parliament chose to do any of them the courts would not hold the Act of Parliament invalid." But the actual picture was quite different. In 2004 when the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Concert Attendance Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Concert Attendance Report - Essay Example As youthful as I was, the majority of the audience range of age was between 40-60 years of age. Documented here is a report on the music and concert attendance report. The concert was opened with a New Year song which sung in Chinese and goes by the title ‘ask the sky and earth’ and the instruments were played in uniformity slowly by slowly as it progressed, the mood became more enriching. Different instruments succeeding each other to unity sessions that demanded concentration from the expectant audience played along regarding the song texture as polyphonic. The symphonic orchestra had powerful instrumentation which, played in the concert, effectively supported by the continuous use of the vocal styles together with rhythmic classifications. The aged audience enjoyed the pieces played as was evident from the faces and expression of enjoyment. The air was filled with sweet music that was a recall from the early 1960s; I must admit the sensation soothe and send an enjoyment mood down thoughts. The choir quickly entered the second piece that was dominated by the Chinese dance. The swinging to the music was in slow movements that flowed with the tempo of the music. Particular interest was set to the old age and the old classic music for the Chinese descent. The orchestra and the soloist had an intimate veneer, and their appearance was more comfortable with each other because the music was a latest version from modern artists compared to the initial performance where they appeared adversarial. The third piece began, and this had no pause in the end. Movement chain to me accelerated ever-building climax at the end of the third movement. The soloist stepped forward, took a powerful role, and seemed to rejoice over the orchestra as a recital filled the air with a message regarding the white and black personalities with need to regard them as equals. The closing theme had extreme lyrics, which brought an element of glory to

Strategic financial management risk assessment decisions Essay

Strategic financial management risk assessment decisions - Essay Example The recent global recession gives a reason to the industries to evaluate the risks involved in any kind of investment. Even when the company is not making losses, assessment of its value addition abilities is important. It also helps in understanding the company’s competitive advantages by optimizing the resources. Assessment of risk is a method of avoiding risk. Not only a preventive measure, risk assessment is a way of survival for the companies. Before any investment proper assessment of the returns of flow of returns over an estimated time period is to be calculated. The appropriate strategy for the companies is to calculate the rate of return on its assets and equity held by the company. a suitable financial management strategy also finds its place in the performance data of the firm. The multi-national firms are always exposed to different kinds of risks including increase in energy and commodity costs. For these firms utilizing resources optimally becomes a challenge at every moment.Aim and objectivesThe paper aims at addressing the different complexities and challenges faced by different firms in the process of risk assessment and how they take their daily decisions based on this. The following objectives need to be addressed:1.  To evaluate why risk management is a necessity for any company in any given industry. (Through the literature review/ qualitative survey)2.  To observe how the market volatility (can be quantified as risk) can affect any investment made by the firm. (Quantitative method)

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Concert Attendance Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Concert Attendance Report - Essay Example As youthful as I was, the majority of the audience range of age was between 40-60 years of age. Documented here is a report on the music and concert attendance report. The concert was opened with a New Year song which sung in Chinese and goes by the title ‘ask the sky and earth’ and the instruments were played in uniformity slowly by slowly as it progressed, the mood became more enriching. Different instruments succeeding each other to unity sessions that demanded concentration from the expectant audience played along regarding the song texture as polyphonic. The symphonic orchestra had powerful instrumentation which, played in the concert, effectively supported by the continuous use of the vocal styles together with rhythmic classifications. The aged audience enjoyed the pieces played as was evident from the faces and expression of enjoyment. The air was filled with sweet music that was a recall from the early 1960s; I must admit the sensation soothe and send an enjoyment mood down thoughts. The choir quickly entered the second piece that was dominated by the Chinese dance. The swinging to the music was in slow movements that flowed with the tempo of the music. Particular interest was set to the old age and the old classic music for the Chinese descent. The orchestra and the soloist had an intimate veneer, and their appearance was more comfortable with each other because the music was a latest version from modern artists compared to the initial performance where they appeared adversarial. The third piece began, and this had no pause in the end. Movement chain to me accelerated ever-building climax at the end of the third movement. The soloist stepped forward, took a powerful role, and seemed to rejoice over the orchestra as a recital filled the air with a message regarding the white and black personalities with need to regard them as equals. The closing theme had extreme lyrics, which brought an element of glory to

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Gillette Companys Marketing Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Gillette Companys Marketing Plan - Essay Example Gillette is such one brand of this corporation. It is a brand of safety razors and other personal hygiene range of products. The razors of this company protect the skin from all parts of the razor except the edge alone. The skin is in contact with the edge of the razor alone. This is as opposed to cut-throat razors also called straight razors. Here, the skin is contact with the whole of the razor. A safety razor reduces the risk of injury to the skin. That is the reason why they are preferred by men for shaving. Gillette used to be a company on its own. It was started in 1895 (Bonoma 56). The founder was King C. Gillette. He named the company after himself. It used to deal with a range of consumer goods, the safety razors included. However, in the year 2005, more than a century after been founded, the company was acquired by Procter & Gamble (Bonoma 57). That is how it ended up been a brand of this multinational corporation. It is headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts. It no longer exists as a company now, but as a brand. Not only does Gillette produce safety razors for shaving, it also has a range of other products. It produces antiperspirants, hair care and body products. Its products are aimed for grooming, especially in males. It has Gillette shave gel and after shave (Cundiff 98). These products are designed to make the shaving experience for the man as comfortable as possible. Gillette's anti-deodorant is said to be of clinical status. The hair products are also designed for the man (Bonoma 25). They include stylers, shampoos and hair conditioners. It also has a wide range of shower gels for men (Ferrell 56). They include those aimed for dry skin, oily and normal skin. They also include face wash gels for men. The gels were hitherto thought to be the preserve of women. Target Market for Gillette Products The target market for Gillette Company products is the young men aged between sixteen and thirty-four years (Cundiff 36). The grooming products especially are targeted at this age bracket. Gillette has aggressive promotional campaigns aimed at this group. The challenge is to convince these men that grooming is not the preserve of women. It used to sponsor a soccer game every Saturday in the 1990's. This was called Soccer Saturday. It was aired by Sky Sports Channel (Ferrell 98). An average of one million young males watched this program in the year 2005-2006. This was an average of one million every month. This made up around a quarter of the target population for the Gillette products (Bonoma 98). Gillette has used Soccer Saturday to not only market the existing brands, but also as a launching pad for new products (Ferrell 78). This is what happened when the company introduced Mach3, Turbo and M3Power range of products. In terms of market growth, the company's products continue to enjoy popularity amongst the target population. They are the most famous. Gillette is likely to remain the leader in this market. A SWOT Analysis of Gillette Company Strengths Gillette Company has obvious strengths that work to its advantage. These are internal factors that help it to remain the most popular company in this area. First, the company is managed by qualified professionals (Cundiff 45). The staffs are also highly qualified professionals in their field. For a company to be productive, every sector must be headed by a qualified person. Every department in this company is headed by a quali

Monday, October 14, 2019

How To Get Organized Essay Example for Free

How To Get Organized Essay Organization is the key to success in any organization. Individual who are organized in their personal lives are more likely to be organized and efficient in their work place. An organized mind establishes efficiency in all areas of life. They create an organized work environment which leads to overall organizational success. Disorganization is characterized by unnecessary items that need to be grouped together, hidden out of sight, wasted thoughts, energy and time. It starts with an inward motivation to break away from states of confusion and disorder. As the personal assistant in the Elementary School, personal organization is very important in enabling school run its activities without conflict. This research paper aims at seeking ways of addressing the problem of not being organized as highlighted to me by those I constantly interact with. This can be by: avoided too many things in your head, having a work plan of what should be done in a given time, setting priorities right and setting adequate time on each, increasing efficiency in what need to be done through proper planning. The paper aims at identifying ways of improving personal organization skills such as good time management, creating enough space in the work place with the aim of avoiding disorganized and distractive work environment, appreciating the position one is in as a means of creating internal strength to keep on working, setting realistic goals and maintaining to stick to their time guide and at times delegating responsibilities in an attempt to avoid overworking. Its important to note that, failing to plan is in simple terms planning to fail. Self control and a focused mind are important in getting organized thus improving work output in an organization. HOW TO GET ORGANIZED Being organized is the first step towards being efficient and productive in what we do in life. Some of the main obstacles that hold people from getting organized include; Time Management Time managements the key to being organized. It’s important to first admit that I have made mistakes in managing time and work towards improving upon it. The easiest is to have a daily To Do List. The list provides a list of all the tasks to be done within the day such as phone calls to be made, purchases to be made and letters to be drafted, among other numerous activities. The list gives priorities at a glance of all pending jobs and their agency and helps eliminate miscellaneous pieces of paper work with job reminders. A daily planner, mainly a pocket notebook is the most preferred due to its easy portability. The To Do List should be reviewed on a daily basis and all the tasks successively achieved marked out and all items not accomplished for whatever reason transferred to the next day’s list. These items should be prioritized in the next day’s To Do List so as to avoided pushing them further resulting to pile up of unfinished jobs that make people appear disorganized even when they are organized. Dark markers can be used to reinforce major tasks. Several lists should be made for each day, week, month and if possible for a year. Put it back Organizing the work space ensures that all items not in use are thrown away or put it efficiently in storage at a clear and designated place. This helps you in determining the actual amount of space you have within the office, thus eliminating time and money wasted in organizing stuff you do not need. All items frequently used such as envelopes, stamps, stain removers should be easily accessible mainly on the working desk. It is important to set timers for how long an organizing task should take in an attempt to avoid doing a single task for a whole day and help in remaining focused. Once you have placed every thing where it belongs it is very important to develop the habit of placing every thing back to where they belong as soon as you finish working on them. All items with similar usage should be placed in the same place such as keys, phones, all pending jobs and finished jobs so as to eliminate time wastage while searching for items. Similarly combine all similar activities such as make all call at the same time, pay all bills and do all the errands and shopping in one trip. Honesty with Yourself. Incase you feel wasted and not proud of yourself in the position you are in presently, it important to have a realistic look at where you spend your time, way all the pros and cons and see if there is any opportunity to improvement. This gives the opportunity for personal reflection thus encouraging positive energy to take control which will lead to being organized. Its important to determine what exactly you want to organize, rather than stating that am organized. Draft a list of all things you would like to organize such as schedules over a given period of time and ensure you abide by the list. Delegate responsibilities Delegating responsibilities to other people ensures all or most of the To Do List activities are meet. Doing everything by your self makes it hard to remain organized since you cannot meet all deadlines set out due to emerging pop-ups. Conclusion. Being organized is being in control of all the activities in our lives and the work place. If some aspects of your life are dissatisfying, it is good to get excited since you are aware of what you do not need in life. Create a time frame of when that must be achieved and strictly stick to it. References Bridges, C. Organizational Skills. (2000). [Online]. Available: http://www. at. bridges. com/20010108/skills/main. htm Bordenaro, B. (n. d. ). Being Organized in Not a Trait! [Online]. Available: http://www. ideamarketers. com/library/article. cfm? articleid=7414 Hemphill, B. (2001). Six Ways to Improve Your Office Organization Skills. [Online]. Available: ttp://www. frogpondgroup. com/articles. cfm? articleid=bhemphill04

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Importance Of Reward Management Business Essay

The Importance Of Reward Management Business Essay Reward management in a business organisation is basically the way in which that particular business forms and implements strategies and policies to reward the employees to a fair standard and in accordance with how the organisation values them. Reward management in a business organisation usually consists of the business analysing and controlling the employees remuneration and all of the other benefits for the employees. The main aim of reward management in a business organisation is to reward the employees fairly for the work that they have completed. The main reason reward management exists in business organisations is to motivate the employees in that particular organisation to work hard and try their best to achieve the goals which are set out by the business. Reward management in business organisations not only consist of financial rewards such as pay but they also consist of non-financial rewards such as employee recognition, employee training/development and increased job responsibility. Reward management in a business organisation deals with the design, implementation and maintenance of reward practices that are geared towards the improvement of the business organisations performance. The Importance of Reward Management The elements of reward management within a business organisation are all the things that they use to attract potential employees into their business which includes salary, bonuses, incentive pay, benefits and employee growth opportunities such as professional development and training opportunities. Having a reward management system in place provides the business with many advantages, especially in small to medium size organisations where the managers must have a good relationship with the employees. Reward programmes have proved to be very successful in motivating employees and in turn increase the performance of the organisation as a whole. Below are some of the reasons why a reward system is important: Mutually beneficial- A reward system is beneficial not only to the employee but also to the organisation. The employee will feel more motivated to work having a reward system in place the employee will feel more committed to their work and their productivity will increase. An increase in productivity will then benefit the organisation. Therefore a reward system is mutually beneficial to the employee and the organisation. Motivation-A reward system will motivate employees by reaching targets and organisational goals in exchange for rewards. A reward system is great at motivating employees but they will also be motivated to prove themselves to the organisation. Absenteeism-A reward system will reduce absenteeism in the organisation. Employees like being rewarded for a job well done and if there is a reward system in place, employees will be less likely to be ringing in sick and not showing up for work. Also by having a reward system in place the employees will be clearer about the targets and goals of the organisation as they will be rewarded when reach certain targets. So by having a reward system as an incentive they will be less likely to be absent from work. Loyalty-A reward system will increase the employees loyalty to the organisation. By a reward system being in place the employee feels valued by the organisation and knows that their opinion matters. If an employee is happy with the reward system, they are more likely to appreciate work place and remain loyal to the organisation Morale-Having a reward system in place providing employees with incentives and recognition will boost their morale. By encouraging employees to meet goals and targets it gives them clear focus and purpose which will their morale. By the employees morale being boosted this will increase the morale of the entire organisation. This is all down to a reward system in the organisation. Teamwork- The reward system will increase the teamwork spirit in the organisation. The reward system will promote teamwork to the employees. The employees will work together as part of a team to achieve their targets in return for rewards. Teamwork within the organisation will help increase efficiency and create a happier workplace. This is another reason why reward systems are important in business organisations. Types of Reward Systems There are several ways to classify rewards; the three most common types are as follows: Intrinsic Rewards Vs Extrinsic Rewards- Intrinsic rewards are the personal satisfaction you get from the job itself eg having pride in your work, having a feeling of accomplishment or being part of a team. If an employee experiences feelings of achievement or personal growth from the job, this would be labelled as an intrinsic reward. Extrinsic rewards would include money, promotions and other benefits. Extrinsic rewards are external to the job and come from an outside source, usually management. If an employee receives a salary increase or a promotion, this would be labelled as an extrinsic reward. Financial Rewards Vs Non-Financial Rewards- Financial rewards are those that will enhance the employees financial well-being directly eg bonus, increase in wages and profit sharing schemes. Non-financial rewards do not enhance the employees financial position directly but make the job more attractive. Some of the Non-financial rewards that a business organisation offer might include-an attractive pension scheme, access to private medical care, help with long-term sickness, crà ¨che facilities, counselling services, staff restaurant etc. Performance-Based Rewards Vs Membership-Based Rewards- The rewards that a business organisation gives to their employees can be based on either their performance or membership criteria. Performance-based rewards are exemplified by the use of commissions, piecework pay plans, incentive schemes, group bonuses, merit pay or other forms of pay for performance plans. Membership-based rewards would include cost of living increases, benefits and salary increase, seniority or time in rank, credentials or future potential. Case Study Tom Warner owned a plumbing, heating and air-conditioning business in Montgomery County,Maryland. In the early 1990s, he faced a major problem. His main customers were commercial property management businesses and they wanted to cut costs. In order to do this; these commercial property management businesses decided to end their contract with Tom Warner and hire their own handymen. Tom Warner didnt want to lay off any of his 250-person workforce. He decided to reconstruct his workforce into territories. He assigned each worker their own territory and told them to operate their territory as if they were running their own business. He put each area director through training in sales techniques, budgeting, negotiating, cost estimating and how to handle customer complaints. Warner believed that if he had technically superb, friendly, and ambitious employees, they could successfully operate like small-town handymen, even though they would be part of a large organisation. Tom Warners programme proved to be very successful. The area directors developed a strong sense of pride and ownership in their territories. Each employee was able to schedule their own work, handle their own equipment, develop their own estimates and advertising campaigns. These were the rewards that each employee desired. Tom Warners programed increased the employees wages. A typical employee working for Warner before he introduced the programme was earning $60,000.In the first year of the programme that employee was earning $100,000.In the second year he was earning $125,000. From a reward point of view, Warners employees are extremely happy and Tom Warners business grew by more than 200 per cent in 24 months. Literary Review According to the book Human Resource Management in Ireland 3rd edition by Patrick Gunnigle, Noreen Heraty and Michael j. Morley: Schuler (1995) outlines a number of core objectives that a business organisation should have in relation to the reward package that they offer. Schuler states that in order for a business organisations reward package to be successful it must meet the following objectives: It should attract potential employees- along with the organisations human resource plan and recruitment and selection techniques the reward package should make potential employees want to work there. The reward package including its mix of pay, incentives and benefits should serve to attract suitable potential employees. It should assist in retaining good employees- the reward package must be perceived internally by the employees as fair and equitable and it should be perceived externally as competitive. Internally the employees should feel happy with the reward package and they should know that in comparison to other businesses it is a very competitive reward package so they wont want to leave and seek employment elsewhere. It should motivate employees- the reward package should help and assist motivating employees to work harder. By linking rewards to performance it should motivate employees to work harder as there is an incentive element. It should contribute to human resource and strategic business plans- the reward package should create a rewarding and supportive climate to work in and therefore it should be perceived as an attractive place to work. This will benefit the business as it will be attracting the best applicants. Reward management in business organisations is extremely important as the reward package helps to attract employees, retain employees and influence performance and behaviour at work. According to the book People Management and Development; Human Resource Management at Work by Mick Marchington and Adrian Wilkinson: Lawler (1984) feels that a reward system within the business organisation can influence a number of HR processes and practices, which then have a direct impact on the organisations performance as a whole. Influence recruitment and retention: Lawler states that any business organisations that have a reward system in place will attract and retain the most people. If better performers are rewarded more highly than poor performers. This also will have an effect on recruitment and retention, so performance-based systems are more likely to attract high-performers. For Example: If a business organisation rewards their employees with high wages, they will attract more applicants which will allow the business more of a choice over selection and hiring decisions. This hopefully will reduce labour turnover in the organisation. Influence Motivation: Employees see that by having a reward system in place, it puts an importance on various activities and tasks. Reward systems therefore have a motivational impact on the employees. However the management must integrate the reward system with the behaviour they expect from the employees. Influence Corporate Culture: The way in which the employees are rewarded will have a huge influence on the corporate culture of the organisation. For example: If a business organisation has a reward system in place that provides benefits for long-serving staff, this will likely shape the existing culture into one where loyalty is seen as central to the business organisations ideology. In contrast, if a business organisation has a reward system in place that rewards the employees for innovative behaviour and ideas, this is more likely to shape the businesses corporate culture into one where creativity and innovation is important. Cost as an influence: Cost is a huge factor and influence in the reward system. Some business organisations may not be able to afford to set up and maintain the reward system; it may be too costly for them. On the other hand, some business organisations may not want to waste the money on a reward system. This may demotivate the employees as they will think that not worth it and this will have a direct impact on their performance in the organisation which in turn will in turn have a direct impact on the organisations performance as a whole. According to the book Human resource management in Ireland 4th edition by Patrick Gunnigle, Noreen Heraty and Michael j. Morley: Lawler (1977) highlights that in order for reward management to be successful the reward system needs to have the essential characteristics: Reward level- In order for reward management to be successful, the reward package must satisfy the employees basic needs for survival, security and self-development. Individuality- Along with satisfying the employees basic needs, the reward system should be flexible enough to meet the employees varying individual needs. Internal equity- The rewards must be seen as fair when compared to others in the business. The criteria and reasons for the allocation of rewards to employees should be equitable and clear to everyone in the organisation .The reason behind the allocation of rewards to employees should be communicated and accepted by all parties. The rewards should be applied consistently throughout the organisation. External equity- The rewards must be seen as fair when compared to those offered for comparable work outside the organisation. Trust- In order for reward management to be successful in the organisation, the management and the employees must believe in the reward system 100 per cent. The employees must believe and accept that will receive rewards when they meet the relevant criteria. The management should trust that the employees will perform at a high standard and the best to their ability in return for rewards. According to Lawler (1977) in order for a business organisation to be successful in reward management, he believes that a reward system must have the characteristics listed above. According to the book Human resource management 6th edition by De Cenzo and Robbins: Armstrong and Murlis (1998) offer some broad distinctions between the main types of reward system: Gain Sharing Schemes-the pay of a group of workers is linked to improvements in internal company productivity. Employee Stock Ownership Schemes (ESOPs)-The business organisation offers company stock (at a lower rate than normal) to certain employees. Profit-Sharing Schemes-The business organisation gives a certain percentage of the end of year profits to the employees. Skill-Based Pay Schemes-The business organisation rewards the employees with pay on the basis of job-related skills or competencies. Individual Incentive Schemes-The business organisation rewards the employees for reaching or exceeding specific established performance criteria. Piece- rate schemes are the most obvious form of individual performance related rewards. Group Incentive Schemes-The business organisation rewards groups of employees with the same principles they use on individual schemes. Used most commonly when group work or team work is present in the business organisation. Conclusion To conclude I am going to give a brief run through the topics I have covered throughout this report. I defined and explained the meaning of what reward management is and how organisations manage rewards in organisations. I then went on to discuss the importance of reward management within organisations, by doing this I pointed out the advantages of having reward systems in an organisation. These benefits included mutually beneficial, increases motivation, improves morale, increases the employees loyalty to the organisation, improves teamwork and reduces absenteeism. I looked at commonly used reward schemes. I looked at a case study about Tom Warner was forced to reward his employees with a huge amount of responsibility; however it had an extremely successful outcome for him. I then looked at the main aims that every reward system should have; attract potential employees, assist in retaining good employees, motivate employees, contribute to human resource and strategic business plans. I explained the direct impact a reward system can have on the organisation as a whole ie influence o n performance, influence on motivation, influence on the corporate culture. I looked at and explained the essential characteristics a reward system must have in order to be effective. This is important for management when designing their reward system. They should look at and evaluate their current reward system and make sure it possesses the right characteristics. I then differentiated between the most common types of reward schemes according to research I found on Armstrong and Murlis point of view on reward systems.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Panama Canal :: essays research papers fc

PANAMA CANAL The canal is joining the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. It runs from Cristobal on lemon bay, a part of the Caribbean sea, to Balboa, on the Gulf of Panama. The canal is slightly more than 64 km long, not including the dredged approach channels at either end. The minimum depth is 12.5 m, and the minimum width is 91.5 m. The construction of the canal ranks as one of the greatest engineering works of all time. In history people had interest in a shorter route from the Atlantic to Pacific. This began with the explorers of Central America early in the 16th century. Hernan Cortez was a Spanish conquer of Mexico who suggested a canal across the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. Other explorers had favored routes through Nicaragua and Darien. The 1st for a canal through the Panama was started by Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, Who in 1523 ordered a survey of the isthmus. A working plan for the canal was drawn up as early as 1529, but was shown to the king. In 1534 a Spanish official suggested a canal rout e close to that of the present canal. Later more of the canal plans were suggested but no action was taken upon any of these plans suggested. Later on there is more in the canal. The Spanish government abandoned its interest in the canal but in the early 19th century the books of the German scientist Alexander von Humboldt brang back the interest in the project of the canal, and in 1819 the Spanish government formally authorized the construction of a canal and the creation of a company to build it. Nothing came of this effort, however, and the revolt of the Spanish colonies soon took control of possible canal sites out of Spanish hands . The republics of Central America tried to interest groups in the United States and Europe in building a canal, and it became a subject of perennial debate in the congress of the United States. The discovery of gold in California in 1848 and the rush of would-be miners started the United States interest in digging the canal. Various surveys made betw een 1850 and 1875 indicated that only two routes were practical, the one across Panama and that across Nicaragua. In 1876 an international company was organized. Two years later it obtained a concession from the Colombian government. Panama was then part of Colombia to dig a canal across the isthmus.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Catherine morland presented

Catherine being traced re the social, psychological, emotional and intellectual, in addition to her growth as a fully functional lady of society. The first chapter focuses on the Catherine's practicality, her intelligent, but not brilliant mind and her lack of experience in the world. Austen introduces Catherine as a realistic character, while contrasting that realism to her role as the heroine of a novel. Jane Austen presents Catherine Morland at the beginning of the novel, this opens the novel to a very interesting and yet peculiar start to the Northanger Abbey, â€Å"No one who had ever seen CatherineMorland in her infancy would have supposed her to be born an heroine†. This opening sentence leaves the reader expecting her to become a heroine as her life progresses. The author's careful diction characterises Catherine, â€Å"No one who had ever seen,† as though her outward appearance cannot righteously represent her true inner nature. The description of Catherine's a ppearance typifies this. When Austen describes Catherine in the opening of the novel, she suggests that she is an unlikely gothic heroine.Catherine isn't described as a stereotypical child, nevertheless, she ad a thin awkward figure, a sallow skin without colour, dark lank hair, and strong features, â€Å"so much for her person and not less unpropitious for heroism seemed her mind†. Austen presents Catherine to be as boring and plain, while at the same time encouraging the idea of her strong and courageous nature. By introducing her as a possible heroine, the contrasting description of her external features and the image of her heroism create a concept in the readers mind.In Chapter one of Northanger Abbey, Catherine is presented as naive and innocent, as Catherine is stereotyped as person who â€Å"never could learn or understand anything before she was taught. † This helps to paint a picture of Catherine being helpless and dependent for extended emphasis or exaggerat ion of the trials she must go through to reach maturity and independence. For if Catherine learns through the guidance and teaching of others, her gullibility in what she is taught is heightened, therefore she may be inclined to believe everything that she hears or reads.Austen describes Catherine, â€Å"She was fond of all boys, playing and greatly preferred cricket†. This relates to Mary Woolstone Craft, whereas Catherine's imagination runs away with her childhood because â€Å"she is kept in a state of perpetual childhood†. Austen presents Catherine's childhood as marked by energy, vitality and good temper, â€Å"She was moreover, noisy and wild†, Catherine wasn't interested in learning music or art she held the characterises of a young child who is immature and not very grounded on life. Young children at that age, however, are expected to be witty and charming.Catherine, however, is not accomplishment for 19th century women. Every household that could affor d one had piano, and the daughters of the house would be expected to learn to play and sing, so they could entertain the family and any visitors. Sketching and painting were considered elegant female accomplishments. Sewing was another one; girls would learn to do elegant embroidery. Speaking foreign languages was considered an accomplishment; girls would learn French and German and how this education plays a role in her position within society.Catherine Morland was the complete opposite of the stereotypical child; Jane Austen presented Catherine at the beginning of the ovel to the broad conflicting on how a heroine should act. Catherine Is more apparent when she turns fifteen years old, we gain an insight that Catherine has developed into a different character, â€Å"her love for dirt gave away' and â€Å"grows quite a good looking girl† this shows the maturity of Catherine and the stages into adulthood. Catherine's appearances change completed as, â€Å"her features were softened, by plumpness and colour†.Also, Catherine was â€Å"reading books of information†, Catherine is now showing traits of the â€Å"accomplished women† and the qualities of a eroine, nevertheless at the start of the novel Jane presents Catherine as nothing but a heroine and this shows how Catherine grows up and becomes more mature. In the first part of the novel, Catherine finds herself in the fashionable Bath where she is eager for adventures. She meets people who are in Bath for different reasons but mainly to find a suitable partner in life.Already after a couple of weeks in Bath, far away from her family, she is starting to mature. Her introduction to Bath society makes Catherine lose a little of her childish innocence. At one moment in Bath she is larmed and surprised at seeing Henry accompanied by another woman: â€Å"Catherine sat erect, in the perfect use of her senses and with cheeks only a little redder than usual† though Catherine does not reveal any emotions, quite the opposite of a Gothic heroine. When she meets Henry Tilney, instead of fainting with pure Joy she welcomes him quietly.Jane Austen presents Catherine Morland different around certain characters, as when we are first introduced to Isabella Thorpe she is presented as a admirable character at first, she comes across friendly, elegant and eautiful, as Catherine says in the novel, â€Å"her eldest daughter had great personal beauty'. Catherine's character changes when she meets Isabella Thorpe, Catherine admires her as a role model as Austen writes how Catherine, â€Å"most admirable girl† this helps Catherine's character to grow as she soon learns the social rules of how to behave whilst in Bath.As we know Isabella is four years older than Catherine so Catherine perhaps perceives Isabella as an older sister figure to Catherine. Catherine and Isabelle gain a friendship quickly which could suggest how Catherine is naive as he has not let herself get t o know Isabella as quick as she should have, â€Å"The progress of the friendship between Catherine and Isabella was quick as its beginning to get warm†.Isabella comes across as very manipulative character and also seeks male attention, when Catherine and Isabella catch the eye of two young men, † they set of immediately, as fast as they could walk, in pursuit of the two young men†, Catherine, however, doesn't want to follow the two young men and doesn't crave the male attention which Isabella does, this shows that Isabella manipulates what Catherine thinks and Jane presents this by showing that Isabella however Is in charge eventually drops her superficial friendship with Isabella in favour of a more mature friendship with Eleanor.In many ways, the mature and reasonable Eleanor represents the type of adult that Catherine makes some progress towards becoming an responsible adult. Eleanor is, after all, rational, kind, well-mannered, well-rea, and is capable to kee ping up with her brother's wit and if she's not as exciting and wildly entertaining as Isabella, well, that's probably a good thing. After all, she does get ewarded with her very own Viscount in the end, which Just proves that good deeds, like putting up with her difficult father, really can be rewarded.Catherine, who grows up considerably over the course of the novel, eventually drops her superficial friendship with Isabella in favour of a more mature friendship with Eleanor. In many ways, the mature and reasonable Eleanor represents the type of adult that Catherine makes some progress towards becoming, She is described as having a â€Å"good fgure, a pretty face and a very agreeable countenance† and is also described as having good anners and a good sense this foreshadows later on in the novel where Eleanor gives Catherine money to go home when General Tilney banishes Catherine from Northanger Abbey.Eleanor Tinley comes across as more of a heroine than Catherine Morland. Wh ereas the friendship between Eleanor and the characters also contrast in the way that Isabella enjoys having attention, whereas we are told that Eleanor is at the ball â€Å"without wanting to fix the attention of every man near her† which shows she is a much more mature character and would make a better role model to Catherine rather than Isabella. Overall the novel follows Catherine Morland's progress from innocence and delusion to understanding and clear sight.She never loses her honest and unaffectedness, which is what, makes her an attractive heroine despite being neither clever nor witty. At the beginning of chapter one Catherine isn't presented as a typical heroine and doesn't have the typical heroine traits as she does not bother to learn or has any talent at all, however, when Catherine grows to be older she begins to realise her maturity and she begins to have the qualities of an ‘accomplished women' traits about her.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Organizational Culture and Incentives at Lincoln Electric

Case Title: Organizational Culture and Incentives at Lincoln Electric Table Of Content Introduction: An overview of the case study S. W. O. T Analysts Case Discussion Questions Recommendation 1. Introduction: An overview ot the case study Lincoln Electric is a leading manufacturer of welding products, welding equipment, and electric motors, with more than IJS$I billion in sales and 6,000 workers worldwide. Although now publicly traded, members of the Lincoln family still own more than 60 percent of the stock.Lincoln Electric's tradition of innovative solutions, echnological leadership and commitment to customers, employees, and shareholders stems from the vision of its founder, John C. Lincoln and his brother, James F. Lincoln. Lincoln Electric has a very successful management system that other businesses benchmark their own systems by it. For years, other companies have tried to fgure out how management coaxes maximum productivity and quality from its workers, even during difficult financial times. The Lincoln system succeeds largely because of an organizational culture based on openness and trust, shared control, and an egalitarian spirit.Although the line between managers and workers is firmly drawn, managers respect the expertise of production workers and value their contributions to many aspects of the business. The company has an open-door policy for all top executives, middle managers, and production workers, and regular face-to-face communication is encouraged. Lincoln's system worked so well in the US that management decided to extend it overseas. Lincoln built or purchased 11 plants in Japan, South America, and Europe with plans to run the plants from the US using Lincoln's expertise with management control systems.Managers saw the opportunity o beat local competition by applying manufacturing control incentive systems to reduce costs and raise production. The results were abysmal and nearly sunk the company. Production and financial goals were not me t. The huge losses in the international plants meant that the company would have to borrow money to pay US workers bonuses, or forego bonuses, for the first time, in Lincoln history. Management wondered whether the Lincoln Management System could be transferred to other countries. 2. S. W. O.T Analysts Strength Organizational Culture ;Everybody in company treated Equally whereby there is no special car parking area or managers and top management executives ,everybody will use the same cafeteria for breakfast or lunch and lastly they practicing open-door policy in the organization ;Any GAINS in Productivity will be shared with Consumers † low Price Employee † Higher Pay Shareholders————– High Dividend Incentive Scheme >Pay according to number pieces produced and enable the workers to gain more wages than the other welding company workers throughout the United states.In addition, these incentives system indirectly heightened the sense of ownership among the plant workers and it's encouraging them to produce more quality product ithin the timeframe. > Lincoln main strength is Lowest cost structure and High level of productivity strategy Weakness Long working Hours >According to the labor law in US or any other countries ,the acceptable working hours for manufacturing company workers is (35 hours per week ) whereas Lincoln electric practicing (43-58 hours per week ).No Base salary >when there is no base salary, most of the workers will feel uncomfortable to work in that kind of organization. For instance, if the worker couldn't work for 43 to 58 hours per week, he or she might low wage than others and how that person would manage he cost of living in United States with that low wage. Opportunity was told by foreign distributor that American equipment will not sell good in Europe ;So instead company decides to set up the Wholly owned subsidiaries and acquisition to make the Equipment locally to capture the internationa l market.E. g. Lincoln acquired 7 manufacturer in Europe and Mexico takes 2 years to implement or change the entire company workers to follow and adopt the Lincoln organization culture and incentives system in Mexico. Threats Political In many Europe and Asian countries the government considered piecework as Exploitative compensation system which force employers to work harder, therefore in Germany the strategy doesn't work well.Society As stated in weakness part, the long working hours became threat when Lincoln implement the strategy in Other countries because it is not acceptable since labor law limit the working hours 35 hours per week Technical Managers have no experience of work outside US and the local managers also felt reluctant to implement the culture of Lincoln in the Unit. Legal Due to many lawsuit against the organizational culture and incentive systems of Lincoln ‘s foreign acquired companies . Case Discussion Questions 1 . What is the source of Lincoln's long-s tanding competitive advantage in the United States market for arc welding equipment?Lincoln's Electric long-standing competitive advantage in the United State market achieved by a high productivity rate per worker and this company success had been on extremely high level of employee productivity. Lincoln's Electric apply incentive scheme based on piecework. The workers receive no based salary but depend on the number of pieces they produce. The piecework rates at the company enable an employee working at a normal pace to arn an income equivalent to the average rage for manufacturing worker in the area where the factory is based.A company faces a quality aspect when it comes to incentive scheme based on piecework. But at Lincoln Electric's the worker must repair or paid back any piecework that have defect. It means the workers must be responsible for their outputs. The work culture in Lincoln Electric's is one of the attributor. The company had a strong respect for the ability of the individual. Moreover, in this company, they practicing open-door policy whereby the communication barriers between Workers' and ‘managers' were eliminated. All workers are treated equally despite of their position.Since 1934, production workers have been awarded a semiannual bonus based on merit ratings. These rating are based on; Objective criteria; example: employee's level and quality of output. Subjective criteria; example: employee's attitude toward cooperation and his or her dependability. This semiannual bonus motivates workers to perform better and work harder, resulting boost in productivity. Despite high employee compensation, the worker so productive than Lincoln has a lower cost than its competitors. 2. Why didLincoln enter foreign markets through acquisitions and Greenfield ventures, rather than through exporting? The Lincoln Electric's did consider expanding into international market by exporting, but was told by foreign distributor that American equipment would not sell well in Europe. So instead the company decides to set up wholly owned subsidiaries and acquisitions to make the equipment locally. Through acquisition, it was a quick way to execute. The company can rapidly build its presence in this targeted foreign market. Lincoln acquired seven arc welding manufacturers in Europe and one in Mexico.